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١- إخلاء مسؤولية الموقع الإلكتروني
يتضمن موقع دي إكس إن الإلكتروني المعلومات، البيانات، المستندات، السياسات، الإجراءات، المباديء التوجيهية والصور (بطيه تشير إلى "المعلومات") المجهزة من قبل دي إكس إن. قد تتضمن هذه المعلومات معلومات مستمدة من أطراف ثالثة مختلفة ("معلومات الطرف الثالث") والتي غير مصادق عليها وليست مدعومة من قبل دي إكس إن وبالتالي لا تعكس بالضرورة أيّة سياسات أو إجراءات أو معايير أو مباديء توجيهية لدي إكس إن.
المعلومات ومعلومات الطرف الثالث المتضمنة في هذا الموقع قد تم تقديمها بكل العناية اللازمة، وتعتبر حقيقية وصحيحة عند تاريخ النشر. ومع ذلك، تحتفظ دي إكس إن بالحق في أن تعدل، تُصَحِّح، وتحسن المعلومات في أيّ وقت دون إشعار مسبق.
قد تتضمن المعلومات أخطاءً تقنية أو أخطاءً مطبعية، بالتالي، لا تضمن دي إكس إن أو تمثل المعلومات أو معلومات الطرف الثالث لتكون خالية من الأخطاء أو الإغفال. دي إكس إن لا تأخذ على عاتقها أيّة مسؤولية أو التزام عن دقة، صلاحية وسريان المفعول، موثوقية وصحة المعلومات ومعلومات الطرف الثالث التي فُسِّرَت على أي حال واستخدمت من قبل المستخدم.
لا یجوز إعادة إنتاج أي جزء من هذه النشرة بأي شکل من الأشکال أو إرسالھا إلی أي شخص آخر دون الحصول علی موافقة مکتوبة مسبقة من دي إكس إن. وبموجبه يوافق المستخدمون على ما يلي:
العلامات التجارية
جميع الأسماء التجارية، العلامات التجارية، أسماء الخدمة، أسماء المنتج، معلومات المنتج، الروابط، عناوين الموقع الإلكتروني، الشعارات، التصاميم، أو الرموز هي مكلية دي إكس إن. لا تسمح دي إكس إن باستخدام هذه، لأيّة أغراض أياً كانت أو من قبل أي شخص، دون موافقة كتابية مسبقة من دي إكس إن، باستثناء فروع دي إكس إن ووكلاء البيع المصرح لهم.
إخلاء المسؤولية من الضمانات
دي إكس إن لا تضمن ولن تكون مسؤولة عن خدمة متوفرة ليكون الوصول إليها متاحاً في جميع الأوقات، دون انقطاع أو خالية من الأخطاء. وقد يكون هناك تأخيرات أو إغفال أو انقطاع أو عدم دقة في المحتويات ونشر الأخبار، والمعلومات وغيرها من المواد.
سوف تتخذ دي إكس إن خطوات معقولة لتمنع إدخال الفيروسات وغيرها من العناصر المخربة إلى موقعها الإلكتروني. ومع ذلك لن تكون دي إكس إن مسؤولة عن أو تضمن موقعها أن يكون خالياً من أية عناصر مخربة بما في ذلك، ولكن لا يقتصر على، فيروسات الحاسوب، قراصنة الإنترنت، أو أعمال التخريب الفنية الأخرى.
٢- روابط من مواقع إلكترونية غير-دي إكس إن مصرح بها
المواقع الإلكترونية غير-دي إكس إن المصرح بها والتي هي مملوكة وتعمل من قبل أطراف ثالثة قد تتضمن روابط إلى موقع دي إكس إن الإلكتروني الرسمي. رابط إلى موقع دي إكس إن الإلكتروني الرسمي لا يعني أن دي إكس إن تصادق على أو تقبل أيّة مسؤولية تجاه المحتويات، استخدامها أو المنتجات والخدمات المجهزة لتكون متوفرة من خلال مواقع إلكترونية مصرح بها غير دي إكس إن كهذه. وباستخدام أي رابط من هذا القبيل، فإنك تقر وتوافق على أن دي إكس إن لن تكون مسؤولة أو ملتزمة في أي حال من الأحوال عن الإجراءات، أو المحتويات، أو الوصول، أو سياسات الخصوصية، أو الآراء المعرب عنها، أو الإقرارات المعطاة، أو الخدمات المقدمة، أو البضائع المعروضة للبيع أو روابط أخرى متوفرة في مواقع إلكترونية رسمية كهذه غير دي إكس إن.
DXN has been a blessing. Prior to, I was in the field of aviation working as an Aeronautical Engineer for over 28 years. The job was fine but there was no time, financial or travel freedom. I entered DXN as a consumer due to the health problems I suffered from for 10 years, and while using the products, realized there was more to DXN than health benefits through the DXN successful entrepreneurs whom I met along the way.
From working for someone and having a boss to becoming my own boss was a wonderful transformation. And that was the start of my journey to personal freedom.
Now, 9 ½ years later, my life has completely changed, all praise is due to Allah who has bestowed me with such blessings. Many people ask me about my secret to success. It is difficult to state all the factors, but all success is an outcome of overcoming challenges. Still, there are a few points worth mentioning, such as:
1. CHANGE - First I had to change my mindset to that of an entrepreneur. It took me awhile to transform my thinking because all my life I had been working for someone. Suddenly, I had to take charge of my new life as well as the lives of many who were joining me as business partners.
2. GOAL SETTING - After few months of joining DXN in 2003, I decided to do the business seriously. I made my goal to earn what I was earning from my salary. In 2 years time and by the grace of Allah and my team, I did achieve my goal. In 2005 I further decided to quit from my job in 2 years. In 2007, from a part timer, I became full timer networker. Since then I kept raising my bar and enjoyed each and every moment of my DXN journey. Right now my greatest joy is helping people to make their goals and achieve their goals.
3. EDUCATION - Being a new entrepreneur, meant educating myself in Food and Nutrition , as well as the Direct Selling Industry. The former was easy; I learnt the ABC’s of nutrition through various trainers in DXN, my own son, Janbaaz Ghani, who is a professional nutritionist from UBC in Vancouver, and I gained my certification in Food and Nutrition from IGNOU(Indira Gandhi National Open University).
In order to become a professional in Direct Selling, I joined Direct Selling Times and Direct Selling Universities. In addition, I attended many seminars, workshops, conferences and boot camps conducted by Direct Selling Gurus, namely, Tom Shreiter, Jerry Clark, John Di Lemme, Dr. Charles King, Tim Sales, Brian Klemmer, Dr. Ellie Drake, and many, many more. In addition to the above-mentioned, I enjoy reading books centered on Direct Selling & Personal Growth, gaining insight and knowledge through CDs, DVDs & magazines.
4. APPLICATION - After learning my direct selling business, I immediately applied it all to the field. In order to see the positive result, the application of knowledge was a big challenge but I made sure I evaluated and re-evaluated my success and failure. Every day I try to learn and apply something—for myself and for my partners.
5. BUILDING MY TEAM AND LEADERS - I worked hard to build the right team and few select leaders. Building team was easy but building team leaders was a mammoth task and I am still working on that. Building leaders is a continuous process and this where residual income lies.
6. COACHING AND MENTORING - After nearly 9 years, my focus is now on coaching and mentoring my team members and leaders. The toughest part of the business is understanding people and the closer I get to my leaders, the better I get in my business. Because our business product in DXN is not Reishi or Spirulina but people.
7. GOING GLOBAL - Now that DXN is spread in all the 6 continents, going beyond your own border is much easier. Expanding the business in different countries allowed me to have a bigger and stable dividend. The best part of DXN is either you open new country or see one of your team members from other countries. Go global.
8. TRAVELLING AROUND THE WORLD - It was my dream like most of the people to see the world. DXN gave me the opportunity to be part of International Travel Incentive Program. I was fortunate to see exotic Malaysia, Nepal, India, Singapore & Hong Kong; historical & rich Italy, UK, Belgium, France, Holland and Switzerland.
9. MOTIVATION - The Direct Selling business revolves around motivation. My motivation is the success of many leaders. In addition the training I conduct globally to see more leaders made. In 2012 my involvement with the Night Blindness Project in Pakistan had been my new driving force where I have seen many blind children re-obtaining their vision.
10. GRATITUDE - I am grateful to Datuk Lim Siow Jin, who has provided the world with beneficial products and a powerful and do-able marketing plan, the DXN staff for continuous support, and each and every one of my dedicated team members and leaders. Last but not the least; I am grateful to my wife and children who have been behind the sacrifice and success.
My message to all: Motivation comes within; nobody can motivate you but yourself.
God bless DXN, God bless you all.
Before I joined DXN business, I worked in the UAE Petroleum Industry as a Senior Marketing Engineer for eleven years. But the job did not give me much satisfaction due to the uncertainty in the industry and it was the main reason for me to look for an alternative that could serve as a back up to support myself and at the same time to fulfill my dream.
The beginning of my journey with DXN is a humble one. It was not difficult to work with DXN which is a company that is product based, result oriented and has a global system as even an average person can follow the system easily and head their way on their journey to fulfill their dream. My business network has now spread to over 20 countries with more than half a million consumers.
The support that I had been receiving from my wife was the key to my consistency and what drove me to decide to quit my profession in the Petroleum industry in 2005 and continue my journey to achieve my dream with DXN, one of the fastest growing direct selling company in the world. The DXN system has allowed us to be free from the job that has been killing our dreams and creativity. With DXN, we were able to enjoy a stress free life, and chances to travel and have fun and the same time still able to earn decent income. The principles that I have been adhering to throughout the time, have enabled me to help more people from all walks of life to enjoy their dream life that is not only filled with prosperity but also of lasting happiness.
I would like to extend my gratitude to Datuk Lim Siow Jin and I am very grateful for his noble and holistic concept in helping millions of people across the globe and to lead a healthy and wealthy life.
Thank you.
DXN came to my life through my life partner; my wife. Initially I was not convinced with the effectiveness of products, but I happened to suggest the products to some of my friends and customers with the intention to help my wife.
Gradually, I started to get very positive feedback about the benefits of products. It had further given me the confidence to choose DXN as a life time business. From the moment of that decision, I have started concentrating on building my business in my country, Kenya and my original home country, Somalia.
As the days passed by, DXN had proved to be a huge potential of source of income for me. So I have started taking the benefits of promoting DXN products in an untapped soil. This had given me a pace to achieve the dream title of DXN Crown Ambassador.
I’m not going to stop here. It is just the beginning. My mission is to spread the positive message of DXN to as many individual as possible, so that my life purpose of transforming the lives of people would be getting accomplished.
Thank you.
I am Khorshed Alam, a Bangladeshi expatriate who had come to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia long ago with a head full of dreams. My life had been going on in a slow pace like any other expatriate with a salary-to-salary living style. My dreams were diminishing and my responsibilities were rising day by day. I had been searching in the dark tunnel of life for a ray of hope. In 2006, I saw the sparkling ray of light at the end of the tunnel. That guiding light was emitting from the lighthouse of DXN, which eventually brought me out of the tunnel of agony into the bright valley of prosperity.
DXN had come to my life through one of my friends. I was at first complacent after listening to his explanation about the product and system but when I visited the DXN outlet for the first time, I realized that the potential and value of DXN is much more dynamic than what he had explained. I could see a veritable array of people who hailed from different countries and different cultures across the globe. They were buzzing around with extreme content and amazing positivity. Without a second thought, I immediately registered as a DXN Member.
Since then, the 9 Golden Digits of my Membership ID have been constantly enriching my life with abundant prosperity and astonishing improvement. Recently, I achieved the dream target of becoming a DXN Crown Ambassador. I am thankful to my Upline who had shown me the way and my Downlines who are my strength. Achieving the ultimate status of Crown Ambassador had made me more responsible now to spread the message of DXN to more and more individuals. Hence I continue this blessed mission of transforming personalities across the Globe with more energy and enthusiasm.
I graduated as an electrical engineer and worked in a government sector. After a few years I was promoted as a director of an engineering safety project.
Salary was limited, while my dreams were big. Some contractors offered me money in exchange for approving some bad specifications. I had two options, either to accept dirty money or to refuse and live in poverty.
It was a great psychological struggle, both options are very difficult, I will neither accept unlawful money, nor will I accept to live in poverty with my family.
I thought outside of the box and found an opportunity to work outside my country. I then traveled to Dubai and started my engineering career, but the job and its salary did not allow me to achieve my big dreams; because the salary of a job, will not bring wealth.
In Dubai, the opportunity to know new things was better. My colleague told me about part-time work through direct selling. I saw that my dreams began to come true.
I started my journey with one direct selling company and I learned many things about the direct selling industry and worked hard. But one morning, after a year of working hard, I read in a newspaper that the company was closed as it was illegal. And once again, my dreams shattered.
I have to look for a valid direct selling company, that was the first task.
I started searching according to global standard in order to choose the right direct selling company that I will stick to in order to achieve wealth.
I was discussing solutions with some of my friends in the closed company, when my friend, Fatemi Ghani, whispered to my ears: I found the right company, it's DXN.
Next day, on 12 May 2003 I signed up with DXN and started my new journey while my big dreams were flying in front of me.
I was one of the first Arab members of DXN. I faced big difficulties and challenges, I contributed effectively to establish DXN's market in the Middle East. I contributed to translate the company's literature, presentations and training programs into Arabic.
I started to build my team and provide lectures and training, and travel from one city to another, and from one country to another, providing hundreds of training programs and lectures in many countries in the Middle East and also in the world in both Arabic and English.
I started applying what I learned, and focused on making leaders in my team, and I was not stingy with my knowledge. I provided the learning and training opportunities to everyone from all networks, not just to my team. And slowly afterwards, good results started to yield.
I was not 100% ready to leave the job, but when I was asked to move to a consulting agency to work as an engineering consultant for government businesses, I found the opportunity to leave the job and devote myself to DXN business full time. The income that I received from doing DXN business full time is greater than what I earned when I was an engineer.
After leaving my full time job, there is no job that restricts you, no manager who controls you, and no limited salary received at the end of the month. I have more time for my family, found the opportunity to travel and explore the world and spend wonderful time with my team members in different countries. And I will continue to spread goodness to the world through this business, the work that I really liked.
My team members now have reached 860,000 members in 200 countries, with more than 1300 of them are Star Diamonds.
Everyone can be successful in DXN.
See you at the top in DXN.
13 years back on a summer day in June, under the scorching desert sun, I headed to a workshop to repair my car. And that turned out to be a life changing moment which in turn had enabled me to improve my life.
Life was tough. I was struggling to make the ends meet. I left my home country, Yemen, and move to Saudi Arabia. I played many roles, enacted many scripts, but all were in vain. Life was not even near to how I expected it to be. I had a family to look after. I had long cherished dreams which were about to be expired, dumped in a dark corner of my mind. Days and nights passed with no change to my life. Like most of us, I was also the captain of a small ship called “my family” which was rocking without direction in the strange tides and roaring storms of life.
Brothers and Sisters of my DXN Family, my name is Abdul Khalik. I am from Yemen and living in Saudi Arabia now. Doing sale is my passion and the only thing that I knew. I don’t remember how many things I have sold to make a living. Though it is rewarding, at times, doing sale is the toughest job to do. And at times, you get lost in the midst of the journey and lose your inner motivation.
I used to sell watches in Saudi Arabia to make my ends meet. A country where you will see more number of watch sellers than the number of watches. The competition was tough. At the same time, I was also facing the storm and fighting the tides for my family especially for my kids. Bad luck always comes in pairs. Apart from my financial issues, I suffered from health problems as well. That’s quite normal. When you are stressed out, your body gets weaker and weaker.
One day, fortunately my car was broken. No. It was not a mistake. I have written it correctly and you have read it correctly too. I deliberately wrote “fortunately”. For other people, broken car could be a depressing moment. But for me, that broken car was the most fortunate thing that have ever happened in my life.
I met my good old friend, Saud Al Magrabi in that garage. Garage is a place where you get more time to talk with strangers as you don’t have anything else to do but to kill the time. It would add more colour if you happen to meet your friend at the garage. It has been long since we last met. I could see that he was in his full spirit, with joy and excitement on his face. Especially when he explained to me about a new set of products in town. That was the first time I had heard of those 3 golden letters of D X N. A life changing moment cannot be detected live but when you look back, you can see that it was the moment that you had been searching all throughout your life. I can see my potential with DXN as soon as my friend explained about the opportunity. But the skeptic inside me had pulled my mind back and advised me to know more. I had visited the office of DXN and attended the seminar by Mr. Abdalla Ibrahim Abdalla. The negative thoughts inside of me were knocked down by the motivating punches by the speaker. I did not understand anything about the scientific facts of the products. Everything were Greek and Latin for me. But I did understand the four major points delivered:
From that moment of realization until now, I am in an exciting joy ride of DXN. I could regain back my health. I have helped many people across the world by providing them with DXN opportunity as how my friend Saud has done to me. In the process, I could earn as much as I wished to earn. In DXN, there’s no limit. You can earn what you yearn.
Today, when I hold the most coveted title of DXN Crown Ambassador, I am feeling proud, and at the same time, I am still being content and humble. The Almighty had bestowed me with the golden string of DXN to protect me and prosper me. Now it’s my turn to give back to the system. I am very thankful to Datuk Lim Siow Jin for crafting the best system in the world and I am feeling thankful to the Management for preserving it properly. Huge gratitude goes to all my team members who are my strength. Now it is time to continue my journey of helping others with more passion and aggressiveness.
There is a saying “Opportunity knocks only once”. If you have read this story and you are still not in DXN, this is the knock of the opportunity. Grab the door, open it widely and get into this wonderful life changing opportunity called DXN.
Peace, mercy and blessings of ALLAH be upon you,
In the name of ALLAH, with which we seek help and strength.
I am, Sheikha Bint Turki Al-Amri, a wife and an office employee, one of the active users of the social network platforms (Snapchat and Instagram).
I joined the world of DXN in the early 2016, after one of my followers in Snapchat strongly insisted that I should join. She is currently my direct sponsor in DXN. Her name is Ms Fatima Al-Qahtani. She knew very well that I will be an active DXN member beca use of my great interest in the world of health and alternative medicine.
In the beginning, I hesitated, but with research, reading, consulting, and guidance-seeking prayer, I became deeply convinced that this business will work. I then registered as a DXN member and started consuming DXN products that I found to be very good for health, which have encouraged me to consume more of its products.
I joined some WhatsApp groups of DXN leaders to learn more about DXN. Gradually, with ALLAH’s grace, I started to form my own team by getting some members registered under my distributor code. I began to convince my own family members and relatives, who rejected the idea of joining DXN in the beginning until they saw how my health improves after consuming DXN products. Then I turned to introduce DXN to my neighbors, my friends, my colleagues, my followers in the social network platforms, and suitable prospects that I met on a daily basis.
My monthly commissions with DXN began to grow and rise, with the grace of ALLAH. Hence, I realized that the business is real and tangible, which have made me learn more and in depth about DXN as a business. I am very thankful to Ms Om Moad, a DXN Leader, for her explanation and clarification on the concept of DXN's marketing plan, and also to Mr Ahmed Al-Masadi, Mr Hamza Al-Balushi and many more leaders for sharing their knowledge.
Here, I found the real project of my life, that I have always looked to work on, which is the main idea and mission of DXN, health and wealth. After less than a year, all praise to ALLAH, I have achieved the status of Star Diamond, and at the same time I was employed, holding a good post. Ironically, the commission that I received from DXN was much bigger than my salary! Not only that, I and my husband were qualified for the free international trips that were rewarded by DXN to the qualified members.
All these successes of mine are with the help of Allah, my parents' prayers and the supports from my husband and also my brother. Their supports in my DXN journey were so considerable. Because of them, my DXN team started to grow and spread globally bearing the same DXN idea and goal of health and wealth.
My only goal is to improve the health of the community and then to improve their financial, by promoting the concept of proper nutrition and highlighting the benefits of DXN products so that they will get the grasp of the importance of DXN products in their daily life. Members were also enlightened on good food and consumption pattern until they adopt DXN products as a lifestyle, and thus, the consumption principle is being brought together with the investment.
After two years of establishing a strong health and building a large fan base, by the grace of ALLAH, I started focusing on creating more female leaders within my team and focusing on the distinguished ones who showed leadership. I properly and professionally trained them using training programs, workshops and online training courses, either through direct face-to-face lectures, or through online platforms like ZOOM. As a result to the moral and emotional support that I always gave them, they succeed and form other teams and working groups for consumption and investment, and began to climb and reap the fruits of their hard work.
With the help of Allah and the supports received from my family, friends and team members, I have achieved the status of Crown Ambassador in 2020.
Behind this success was ALLAH's help and also my continuous efforts,
Thanks to ALLAH, the most generous and the most helpful.
I joined DXN around two and half years back. The respected Ms. Fatima Al-Qahtani is the one who introduced the company to me and convinced me to join.
At the beginning, I hesitated to join because I am already a businesswoman myself and is always busy and have no time to focus on any other jobs.
After a year of insistence and persistence to join, I consulted my husband who did his research and investigations on DXN. After thorough check, he allowed me to join DXN.
When I first joined DXN, I decided to give the products a try before letting my family to use them. After experiencing the benefits from the products, I then let my husband and children to try, after ensuring that the products are good and effective for the health.
After three months of trying the products, I was ready to start my business with DXN and to carry out its marketing plan. I started talking enthusiastically about DXN as a real project. Soon, a great interest for the products was developed among my fans, as I have a large fan-base exceeding one million people, that I built for almost 7 years.
I spent a lot of time and effort to train my team, because the idea from the company’s marketing plan was new to them, let alone the wrong Information campaigns against the company disseminated at that time through media, which caused a considerable confusion among many members at that time.
Nevertheless, no obstacles stopped me from continuing to head towards my strong and overwhelming desire to reach my goal (the Crown Ambassador status) that I dreamed of every day and night.
All thanks to God in the first place for His blessings granted to me, that has enabled me to constantly stay devoted with my effort that managed to make me to achieve the highest bonuses a member could achieve in a short period of time. I have made a copious amount of money before completing my first year after joining DXN.
Behind this success, there are times of hardships and moments of despair. However, my enthusiasm, activeness and energy have always been renewed.
Today, after becoming the fastest Crown Ambassador in DXN, I would like to express my deep and profound gratefulness to Ms. Fatima Al-Qahtani, the wonderful person, and also to my dear friend Rokayya Al-Sheikh.
My special and heartfelt thanks to my dear husband, Dr. Ali Al-Zahrani, who has been and still giving me a lot of physical, emotional and psychological support whenever I need, which is the main factor that has helped me to achieve this incredible success. I am very thankful to my dear children: Omar, Abdullah, Saja, and Saud who have been my source of strength in my journey to achieve the status of Crown Ambassador. With God's help, I pray that all my family and team members will achieve the status of Crown Ambassador too in the future.
My advice to every DXN member is: history will continue to act as a witness. I regret for every minute that I have wasted, as I could have achieved the status of Crown Ambassador earlier. Therefore, do not waste any more time.
I would like to thank Mr. Suleiman Abo Himid, Main Stockist in DXN Saudi Arabia, for facilitating with DXN business to all DXN members in Saudi Arabia. Mr. Suleiman preserves members’ rights and always ensures that DXN products are not running out of stock. He maintains development in all DXN branches in Saudi Arabia, and he has a wonderful staff.
I would also like to thank DXN Middle East Management represented by Mr. Saleem, Mr. Sheby, and Mr. Sebastian who have been a major impact on my success.
I also wanted to express my gratitude to Dr. Hasan Al-Katheeri who has always been a father, an instructor and a guide, not only to me, but also to all DXN members of the Middle East in particular and the world in general.
Thank you!
Ameera Al-Yubi
I am Raed Abbas Rashid.
I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education. I am also a Certified Trainer from the American Academy for Industries and Technology (AMARABAC) and a Certified Physical Trainer in South Korea and Russia. In addition, I also have a 6th Dan in Jidokwon and a 5th Dan in Kukkiwon with a certified Master Degree.
Life became my teacher when I lost my father at the age of 4. That was when my journey began. I started working at the age of 11. Since young, I was an admirer of sports; it became my getaway for clearing any negative energy. I eventually reached great heights in this field, representing my country in many occasions, one of which was the Athens 2004 Olympics Games.
I love work and productivity. I have become an expert in 9 difference careers. I used to own a food factory and was a manager of a financial establishment. I worked as a trader and was a bright business man because I was passionate and loved my career. In 1999, I completed my education in the university. Due to limited resources, I was not able to complete a higher education.
I always had a dream of owning a factory of 150 workers, with all their families provided for. Miraculously, I found a company that allows you to invest in Human Resources. This is what attracted me the most and I was amazed that there’s a chance to provide vast and various goodness to the people of my country. I came to know of DXN was because of a very intelligent employee who used to work in my company, Mr Duraid Al-Shaheen.
Once, there was a lady who was diagnosed with cancer. In an attempt to save a human life, Mr Luay Mohammed asked me to help her and I agreed. After 8 months of consuming DXN products, she was 80% healed. Mr Duraid came to me with the good news and convinced me to register as a DXN distributor. I agreed and received my membership code. At that time, DXN was not present in Iraq. Therefore, Mr Hussam and Mr Luay asked me to apply as the stockist of Iraq instead. I refused many times until I came across DXN’s Marketing Plan. And that was when I know I can provide for my people and make their lives better. Today, DXN Iraq has become one of the many countries that are advanced and trustworthy. Becoming a Crown Ambassador has become the dreams of many DXN distributors in Iraq, and that’s when I established the “Crown Ambassador Sponsor” project in order to guide the ambitious distributors achieve the status of Crown Ambassador.
DXN became a significant part of my life. This is my advice to everyone, take this wonderful opportunity to join DXN and make it our lifestyle. We will accomplish great success and achieve our dreams. To achieve your dreams, you must be willing to shed much blood, sweat and tears. As long as we work together, nothing is impossible.
I am Dr. Abdulrazzaq Hashim Mohammed Aloujaili, a Ph.D. holder in Preventive Medicine and Immune System Support Techniques from FRANCE - Toulouse University, and an international consultant and trainer in Therapy Medical Techniques In Bioenergy and Chinese Medicine (A Member of the European Union of preventive medicine ).
My story with DXN began as I was searching for natural and organic products to be used. I knew many European and American companies that produced healthy products but I did not like them.
In 2013, I decided to travel from Syria to UAE. At that time, my wife, Nada, was introduced to DXN. She visited the company and started using most of its products. She told me that she had finally found the product that I had been looking for.
On 25 May 2013, I visited DXN Sharjah for the first time. I decided to join DXN and buy its products. I was very happy because I could feel the benefits of the products and discover that the products are good for everyone. At the end of the month, I received my first bonus. Starting from that moment, I knew that the company was the one that I had been looking for as it promotes health, wealth, and happiness.
This marks the beginning of my journey with DXN in UAE. I continued organizing seminars at the DXN branches with my wife, and also Mr. Mahmoud Al-Masry, an engineer, and also other leaders. We have managed to achieve great success in the UAE and Gulf. My team began to grow in UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and also in Morocco and Algeria in 2014. We then expanded our business to Iraq and Syria in 2015. In 2016, we expanded further to Turkey, where I built the first Arab team with the support of my wife and Mr. Ammar Arak. We managed to open the first DXN service center in Istanbul and the second service center in Bursa. Our business continues to spread to other countries as well.
My interest in health in DXN has led me to be a businessman with ample experience in marketing. I felt more encouraged to help more people that I met when I went to other countries.
I would like to thank everyone who has helped me in achieving my success, especially our beloved DXN Chairman, Datuk Lim Siow Jin, and also my lovely wife, Nada, who has been with me through thick and thin.
See you at the top in DXN.
The social media account stated in the personal website of the DXN member solely belong to the member and is not owned or related with DXN.
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